Monday, 11 November 2019


Failed There are some problems with the agent Software scan status: However, if you download new tiles or process levels not in the scan-list, you will need to make a new scan-list. Move the mouse cursor in the MarinePlotter plot window. March 14, at 7: To manually delete blank tiles, first, plot the tile locations as discussed above so you can see what you are going to delete. IBM customer numbers if applicable. The program will also display the total number of tiles processed. cachescanner

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Turn-off items that might interfere with the scan commands. The plot will show clusters of scaled tile size red rectangles in various areas of the world for which you have downloaded tiles.

For help with this website or with issues opening cases click the link at the bottom of cachesdanner page. To resume using the scan-list, choose the Cachescannsr tiles menu Open scan list command.

Strange one as the same process was carrird out on the eleven other servers without any issues Any help appreciated Stew. To create a tile location selection rectangle, click and hold the mouse left-button down and drag the mouse from the upper-left corner to the lower-right corner of the plotted tiles you want to select. Levels 9 through 20 should contain only the tiles you need for specific areas of interest such as local coastlines, approaches, harbours, and anchorages.

IBM customer numbers if applicable. You can also use the plot to help identify areas for which you need additional tiles.


If the tile's upper-left corner as represented by the plotted red rectangle is within the selection area, then the tile is within the area. To download the basic levels, use the Tile Cache Manager form's Download basic tiles command. Some tile servers return a blank tile where other servers return a "Not found " error.

canner : API documentation

Related Questions Nothing found. Using the plotted locations, you can selectively delete tiles; and, you can copy or move the tiles to a new tile-cache. Click to check cacyescanner uncheck all levels. Failed There are some problems with the agent Software scan status: The total number will not necessarily be the same as the total of individual counts because the individual counts are based upon the tiles found within the tile selection rectangle.

To speed up simple pan and zoom operations, you might want to temporarily stop drawing the tile locations. When the program scans the Tile Cache for the tile locations, the program will update the tile level counts as it encounters tiles in the selected area.


The program will also display the total number of tiles processed. Just to let you know that ILMT 7.

API docs for “canner”

For example, click the Toggle button to check all levels and then manually uncheck a few. Level-0 is the whole world in one tile, level-1 is the world as 4-tiles, level-2 is the world as 8-tiles, etc. Tile selection is by World latitude and longitude coordinates.


Closing the form will not stop a ScanCopy. Alternatively, click the toggle button to uncheck all cachsscanner and then manually check a few. At the top of this form, the program displays the tile-cache folder that is the source of all tiles that this form will process. Hi HappystewGlad to hear it worked.

Click the Close button to close the form. To manually delete blank tiles, first, plot cschescanner tile locations as discussed above so you can see what you are going to delete.

Class t.w.s.CacheScanner:

Thanks very much for your help Stew. Glad to hear it worked. Strange one as the same process was carrird out on the eleven other servers without any issues. Errors show are as follows: When the program redraws the plot window, the program will redraw the tile locations from the scan-list.

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