Saturday, 16 November 2019


Recorded in multiple dynamics, starting at a whispering ppp, these sul tastos can be played as a full ensemble or per section. Symphobia 1 Rated 4. Lumina dives into the world of fantasy, mystery and fairy tales. To name a few, the Symphobia 2 string section adds minor and major DXF trills, different lengths of crescendo-decrescendo, new crescendos and new spiccatos. Testimonials It's hard to think of a more inspiring tool for kick-starting an orchestral composition. projectsam symphobia

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Featuring full orchestra, choir, smaller ensembles and a wide range of guest instruments, Symphobia 3: Massive amounts of fresh and inspiring symphonic effects, all-new orchestral articulations and real legato ensembles.

Symphobia is not your traditional orchestral sample library. If you own the original Symphobia, Symphobia 2 will greatly projetcsam your possibilities. The warmth and beauty of orchestra and choir performing together has been captured in stunning, playable ensembles.

projectsam symphobia

ProjectSAM recorded major and minor chords with all possible transitions between them. Testimonials Packed with top-notch multisamples and effects that could successfully undercore any on-screen prpjectsam, from a minor traffic collision to the destruction of the universe.

Symphobia 3: Lumina

Because of the many different musical elements and well-thoughout controllers, they work great for live situations too, such as a theater show or songwriter performance. Lumina textures Beautifully orchestrated textures and phrases, many offering split recordings per section.

With Symphobia 1 and Symphobia 2, ProjectSAM explored the heavier side of ;rojectsam to help you thrill directors and audiences around the world. There is a richness to the samples generally not heard from other commercial libraries. With Symphobia you have at your disposal a proven tool of inspiration for scoring films, games and television. Symphobia is famous for its cinematic orchestral effects.

The library also pays homage to the playful world of cartoons with dedicated ensembles and phrases for careful tiptoeing and tongue-in-cheek suspense.

Symphobia 2 - ProjectSAM

It's a super different, unique and, most importantly, inspiring addition to symphobiia orchestral library. All-new orchestral effects, massive amounts of fresh and inspiring symphonic effects, exclusive legato ensembles with real legato transitions, Dystopia III and a brand-new interface.

Symphobia offers true ensemble recordings of a full symphony orchestra and an unbeatable collection of symphobka, cinematic orchestral effects. Many of the effects are available in multiple, mod-wheel controlled dynamics, as well as different articulations.

projectsam symphobia

Moreover, Lumina is packed with superbly orchestrated textures covering the full spectrum of fantasy and mystery. Laughing clarinets, jazzy staccatos, xylophone winks and trombone slides — Animator is a library dedicated to all things funny.

System projectsaj Kontakt version 5. ProjectSAM recorded major and minor chords with all possible transitions between them.

Symphobia 3: Lumina - ProjectSAM

Packed with top-notch multisamples and effects that could successfully undercore any on-screen event, from a minor traffic collision to the destruction of the universe.

Massive amounts of fresh and inspiring symphonic effects, all-new orchestral articulations and real legato ensembles. Last but not least, you will find numerous new and inspiring Multis to experiment with. With Symphobia you have at your disposal a proven tool of inspiration for scoring films, projectsan and television.

Laughing clarinets, jazzy sympyobia, xylophone winks and trombone slides — Animator is a library dedicated to all things funny. Also, the Elements tab allows you to tweak each element separately. Symphobia 2 does not include Symphobia 1.

Elements within a Story can be individually purged from RAM, or instantly muted using assigned mute keys. Symphobia 2 is the new no-brainer addition to the Symphobia series for any film, game or TV composer. Refined with grand piano, harp ssymphobia percussion, these recordings are truly luminous.

Symphobia 1

If you liked the effects in the original Symphobia, you are going to love the ones in Symphobia 2! It's the most fun thing to play for scoring I've come across. The library that started it all… immersive ensemble recordings and intense cinematic orchestral effects.

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